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The Ins and Outs of Tracking Pixels and Analytics

A snippet of code is a small piece of programming that can be inserted into a web page. In this case, the code is placed within an <img> tag. When the browser reads this tag, it sends a request to the server, asking for the image specified in the code. The request may also include additional information, such as the number of items a user has purchased or other data that helps to identify the user’s actions on the website.

When the browser makes a request for an image, it includes the user’s domain-specific cookie identifier as it would with any other HTTP request. The server then responds by sending a transparent 1×1 GIF image back to the browser. This image is not meant to be visible to the end user and is usually provided by a third-party domain, like

A tracking pixel is a small piece of code that is embedded in a web page or email and is used to track website page visits and email opens. It can also be used to track conversions, allowing you to see which pages or emails led a user to take a specific action on your website.

Third-party affiliate programs often use tracking pixels to collect data on user behavior. They typically install a tracking pixel on the confirmation page of a website, which sends a code back to the master URL (the primary source of the tracking pixel) to show that the pixel has been activated. This allows the affiliate program to track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

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Facebook Pixel

Retailers can use a snippet of code, called a tracking pixel, to monitor the actions that shoppers take after clicking on an ad. This allows retailers to see which users convert, or make a purchase, as a result of seeing their ads on Facebook. The tracking pixel also helps retailers to gather data on their target audience, allowing them to create more effective and targeted ads.

To start using Facebook Ads, retailers can set up a product catalog, which is a collection of the products or services they want to advertise. This catalog is often stored in a file called a product feed, which is a list of all the items that the retailer wants to promote. The product feed is typically uploaded to Facebook in order to create and manage the retailer’s ads.

Facebook Base Code

To set up a Facebook pixel, you need to go to the Ads Manager and follow the instructions to create the pixel. Once it is created, you will be given a piece of code called the pixel base code.

This code tracks activity on your website and provides a reference point for measuring specific events. To use the pixel, you need to copy the base code and paste it into the <head> section of each page on your website, or into a template that is used by all pages. To ensure that the pixel is installed correctly, you can use the Facebook Pixel Helper Chrome extension to verify its installation.

Facebook Events

An event is a specific action that occurs on your website, either as a result of someone seeing one of your Facebook ads (paid reach) or through organic traffic (unpaid reach). The event code is a snippet of code that allows you to track these actions and use them to improve your advertising efforts. By using event code, you can gather data on how users interact with your website and use that information to create more targeted and effective ads

There are two types of Events you can send:

Standard Events

You can track and optimize your ads without any addition action.

The Facebook pixel code with a standard event
To track specific actions on your website, you can use Standard Event code. To do this, you need to insert the relevant code snippet above the </script> tag in the code for each page on your website. The specific code snippet you use will depend on the action you want to track (such as completing a registration form or adding an item to a shopping cart). You may need to use different snippets of code for different pages on your website. Once the code is added to your pages, it will allow you to track the actions that users take on your site.
An add-to-cart added to Pixel Code
The Facebook Pixel has 9 standard events that are useful for both building audiences and tracking your website conversions back to you Facebook ads. Events can be reported using fbq(‘track’, ‘eventName’, {customData}); where customData is an optional assortment of key:value pairs.

The 9 standard events are:

  • ViewContent
  • Search
  • AddToCart
  • AddToWishlist
  • InitiateCheckout
  • AddPaymentInfo
  • Purchase
  • Lead
  • CompleteRegistration

Facebook Custom Events

You can build your custom audience on the custom conversions for conversion tracking and optimization.

Facebook Dynamic Events

Dynamic Events allow you to trigger the Facebook pixel based on a specific action that a user takes on a page, rather than automatically loading the pixel when the page is loaded. This allows you to track user actions more accurately and gather more detailed data on user behavior.

Two Types of Conversion Pixels in Performance Marketing

Postback URLs are used for server-to-server cookie-less tracking, and they are known for their high accuracy and fraud prevention capabilities. They work by whitelisting specific server IP addresses and only storing conversions from those whitelisted sources. This helps to prevent fraudulent activity and ensures that the tracking data is accurate. Postback URLs also use a hidden attribution value, such as a user’s session id, to store conversions.

Read more about the Facebook Pixel on their Developers pages and Google’s tracking with DoubleClick for Publishers support pages.

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Filed Under: Developer NewsTagged With: Advertising, conversion tracking, Google AdWords, Marketing, tracking pixels